Popping the Question With an Avocado Is Now a Thing
Photo: @chalksandhops
Okay, soooo, if there’s anyone who loves avocado more than me, it’s my one-year-old son. He is OBSESSED. Literally, we now get yogurt with avocado in it, because he’s that into it. It’s great, of course, but it’s also a stressful experience - I’m a perfectionist, and whatever avocado I eat has to be at peak ripeness. I easily spend about 10 minutes juggling the fruit in the supermarket, squishing it, smelling it, assessing its readiness to eat.
Sounds an awful lot like the process of a picking out an engagement ring, right? You’ve got to admire stones, their sizes, their color and clarity, before being sold on it. Well, as luck and irony would have it, the idea of avocado proposals has blossomed (thanks to Instagram, obvi) and it’s kind of making us a little green with envy that we didn’t say yes to a ring nuzzled neatly into our favorite snack.
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Granted, the hashtag #avocadoproposal hasn’t generated that many posts, but from what’s out there, it definitely seems like some diehard avo fans are taking advantage of the perfect ring box alternative - especially since it’s so unsuspecting. Would you think your guy or girl was whipping out that all-important question with an avocado in hand? Not me!!
Kind of reminds us of the Panera proposal situation that happened last week. Bread bowls and avocados are the new Mrs. Box.
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Anyway, while it’s certainly something my generation would EAT UP - I’m not too sure it’s totally practical. Because once that brown/gray yuckiness starts to overcome the meaty inside and turn that perfect lime green color into mush, it really isn’t the best place to stick a stunning new sparkler. Plus, who wants to have to wash their engagement ring off once they’ve said YES to their love.
Let’s just say this, you probably want to fill that avocado (that’s likely minutes away from ick-status) with something sizable. A tiny engagement ring might not do in this picture….
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What do you think, chicks? We might be avocado aficionados, but we’d take a cheesy pizza proposal over this ANY DAY. And now that we’re hungry, let’s gorge ourselves on the cutest snacking wedding pics we’ve ever seen.
Original photo and cover courtesy of @fooddeco.
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