These Couples Celebrated Pi Day By Getting Married at &pizza
Photo courtesy of: &pizza
It’s Pi Day, guys! OMG, even when I say that now, I immediately think of elementary school and all the fun things we’d do for 3/14. Now, I’m 20/25+ some odd years older, and Pi Day is still just as relevant, but instead of symbols like π and references to all things pumpkin, apple, meringue, and cream-filled, I’m thinking about 🍕🍕🍕and 💍💍💍. All thanks to &pizza and the fourth iteration of their Pi Day wedding pizza parties.
Yep, pizza pies and the best party you can have in life (a wedding). And it’s all (nuptials, vow renewals, and commitment ceremonies) happening FOR FREE for over a dozen+ lucky couples at select shops across the East Coast - from Boston to New York, Philadelphia to Washington, DC. Renowned for championing the charge of pizza and a commitment to social causes, &pizza kicked off this tasty, tie-the-knot tradition for Pi Day in 2016 offering couples the opportunity to celebrate their union in a fun and festive way that vibed very well with their brand mission.
So, are all these peeps pizza-obsessed? Naturally. But above and beyond their obvious love for &pizza’s signature dish, the couples also have tremendous love stories of their own that made them oh so deserving for these cheesy celebrations. And it isn’t just a free wedding ceremony, officiated by an &pizza tribe member, at their favorite neighborhood shop - nope! &pizza has taken care of the décor, dessert, music, photography and catering, including all you can eat pizza and a personalized signature pie for each couple. Talk about an epic future #TBT!!
Oh! And a few extra extras, too, to make sure every couple has the zestiest day ever: desserts from Milk Bar (who hasn’t dreamed about Christina Tosi and wedding magic that can only come from her kind of confections?), flowers from, a Chandon Sparkling Rosé reception, credit from Uber Eats for a year’s worth of &pizza, balloons and décor from BASHESDC, a DJ/personalized playlist and a photographer and digital photo booth.
I won’t even lie, after reading through a few of the couples’ relationship recipes, I couldn’t wait to see photos of their special days today. They’ll still rolling in, because the events have been staggered throughout the day - and into the night (follow along #loveandpizza) - but how adorable are these pepperoni-preferring humans? We love them!! And &pizza for using 3.14 to bring lovers together for the ultimate slice of life!
… like Natacha and Kevin Pizzini.
They started dating on Pi Day, celebrate the date every year, and even refer to themselves as “The Pizzas,” because their last name is sooo similar to the beloved food. They got married in a courthouse wedding five years ago to keep finances down, but &pizza gave them the opportunity to renew their vows with a bigger celebration on a date with such significance, and they felt like it was meant to be.
It totally was.
Check it 👇Pizza in Philly just a few hours ago...
And these two just had our hearts, too. Congratulations, Keiara and Tiffany! They tied the knot in Boston this morning!!
Not getting married but still want a piece of the pie?
Easy. Uber Eats has provided a promo code PIDAY19 for $3.14 off all &pizza deliveries from 3/13 – 3/17. And is sharing an additional 20% off orders made TODAY 3/14 ONLY with promo code PI20.
All photos courtesy of &pizza @andpizza.
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